WHO Collaborating Center for Sexual and Reproductive Health – WHO CC SRH

Based on its many years of national expertise in sexuality education, the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) has been the WHO Collaborating Center (WHO CC) for "Sexual and Reproductive Health" since 2003, with a focus on sexuality education for children and adolescents in the European WHO region.

Since then, the WHO CC has gained an excellent national and international reputation as a specialist institution in its field. Thanks to the great commitment of the WHO CC, the work of the BZgA on the topic of comprehensive sexuality education served as an impetus for further developments in the very heterogeneous region.

The daily work of the WHO CC on various subjects and for different target groups is also characterised by close, trusting cooperation with other internationally active organisations, such as UNESCO, UNFPA, IPPF EN, and EPF.

The WHO CC's tasks include, in particular, raising awareness of comprehensive sexuality education and its implementation in curricula and in the training of professionals in the various target regions. The WHO CC supports this project by designing and conducting workshops for specific target groups (multipliers, teachers, educators), developing standards, concepts, and information materials for policymakers and professionals, and by participating in topic-specific international working groups and committees. Conducting research and publishing examples of good practice help to continuously expand and disseminate national and international expertise.

In addition, the WHO CC manages and coordinates the work of an international and interdisciplinary expert committee for sexuality education. Experts (e.g., from UN organisations, national ministries, civil-society organisations, and research institutes) from 13 countries are represented on this committee, contributing a wide range of expertise and background information.

The WHO CC has developed and published numerous publications such as the Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe (in 15 languages), a study on sexuality education in Europe and Central Asia (covering 25 countries), policy briefs for policymakers on various topics, fact sheets, and thematic scientific articles. Their dissemination takes place, inter alia, at national and international conferences and symposia.


The Zanzu website was developed in collaboration with the Belgian non-governmental organisation "SENSOA" and provides information on sexual and reproductive health in 14 languages. The portal is written in simple language and aimed at migrants in Germany as well as multipliers (doctors, counselling centres) who work with the various target groups with a migration background. It also offers technical solutions for use in a counselling context.

Die BZgA hilft unter anderem bei Spiel- und Tabaksucht. Hier mehr erfahren!

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