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Weitere Informationen:

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The Federal Centre for Health Education belongs to the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG). In the framework of Germany’s Basic Law, BMG performs legislative and administrative tasks in the field of health policy.

The portfolio of BMG additionally includes:

Robert Koch Institute (RKI)
RKI is the central federal institution in the field of public health for detecting, preventing and controlling diseases. In this context, it assesses, analyses and investigates diseases that are of a highly dangerous nature, very widespread or of great significance in terms of the public or health policy. RKI additionally performs statutory and scientific tasks in the fields of genetic engineering and biological safety.

Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI)
PEI is responsible for the drug safety of (immuno)biological preparations in the field of human and veterinary medicine. This task involves the marketing authorisation and regular checking (batch testing) of vaccines, sera, immunodiagnostic agents and blood products, as well as the associated research accompanying testing. Basic and applied research are also a concern of the PEI, examples including AIDS research and the development of alternatives to animal testing.

Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM)
The main tasks of BfArM include the marketing authorisation of drugs, the registration of homoeopathic drugs, risk assessment in connection with drugs and medical devices (such as pacemakers, computer tomographs, implants) and monitoring of legal trade in narcotics and basic substances.

German Institute of Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI)
The Cologne-based German Institute of Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI) offers a range of high-quality information for all areas of the healthcare sector. The more than 70 databases with roughly 100 million information units constitute one of the most important medical information offerings in Germany.

The statutory tasks of the DIMDI include, for example, the publication of German versions of medical classifications, such as ICD-10, ICF, Operation Codes OPS-301, MeSH and UMDNS, as well as the establishment of information systems for drugs (AMIS), medical devices and health technology assessment (HTA).

The "Sexuality Education, Contraception, Family Planning" department of BZgA is subject to the legal and professional supervision of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).
BMFSFJ structures the promotion of families (child allowance, child-raising allowance, advance maintenance payments, maternity protection), champions consideration of the interests of families within the Federal Government (e.g. in connection with tax law, rent allowance, pension insurance), and creates better conditions for putting the parental responsibility of fathers and mothers on a partnership basis (parental leave, child-raising allowance, family-friendly working world, day-care for children).

Die BZgA hilft unter anderem bei Spiel- und Tabaksucht. Hier mehr erfahren!

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