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Bodies of BZgA

The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) is a central institution of the Federal Government. We perform our task in close cooperation with the other players in the health system, with its public/private and federal structure. Constant adaptation to developments in science and society is of particular importance in this context. We have established two bodies for this purpose: the Standing Coordination Committee and the Scientific Advisory Board.

Standing Coordination Committee

The Standing Coordination Committee is the forum for the exchange between BZgA and the central institutions of the health sector (governmental and non-governmental agencies and associations) on focal issues of prevention and health promotion. It is here that agreement is reached on the cooperative implementation of campaigns, and information provided on planned and ongoing key fields of prevention with the aim of realising synergistic effects. In addition to the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), the members are the cooperation partners of BZgA, particularly the Länder, the health insurance funds, the German Medical Association, the Union of German Chambers of Pharmacists, the Robert Koch Institute and the German Association for Prevention and Health Promotion.

Scientific Advisory Board

Together with BZgA, the Scientific Advisory Board discusses and develops methods for evidence-basing and quality assurance of health promotion and prevention. It contributes to securing the scientific foundations and quality assurance of our measures in the fields of prevention, health information, health education and health promotion. The Scientific Advisory Board advises and supports us on issues of fundamental importance, particularly in the development of strategies and concepts, and in planning, implementing and evaluating our prevention tasks.
The current members of the Scientific Advisory Board are seven scientists from the fields of epidemiology, psychology, empirical research, youth research, economics and communications research, as well as from the Public Health associations, together with a representative of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the Working Group of the Health Ministries of the Länder (AOLG).

BZgA - A competence centre for prevention and health promotion

As an efficient institution working successfully in the field of health education, it is the goal of BZgA to develop into a competence centre for prevention and health promotion that has a sound basis in the social sciences and focuses on evidence-based health promotion and prevention. This orientation is intended to help concentrate activities and resources on central health problems and strengthen the efficiency of prevention and health promotion as a whole.

Die BZgA hilft unter anderem bei Spiel- und Tabaksucht. Hier mehr erfahren!

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