Blood and Plasma Donation

Blood and Plasma donations are urgently needed for operations, to treat severe illnesses, such as cancer, and to help accident victims. In Germany, the blood supply is provided by dedicated and recurring donors. Many have been donating blood or plasma for many years.

As a result of the demographic trend, many current donors, some of whom have been helping other people by donating blood for decades, in future are be able to donate. Even today, the average age of the donors at many institutions is over 50.

In view of these developments, the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) is once again intensifying its measures in this field. In 2022, BZgA launched its new, nationwide blood donor campaign "Donate blood. Just do it.". Anyone interested can find a wealth of useful information on the subject of blood donation at

The central aim of the measures is to recruit young adults as new donors and encourage coming donor generations to give blood. The activities are intended to support the donation institutions in Germany in fulfilling their commission to supply the population with blood. The basis for this work is the statutory mandate, formulated in Section 3 Para. 4 of the German Transfusion Act, to provide information and motivation concerning blood and plasma donation.

Die BZgA hilft unter anderem bei Spiel- und Tabaksucht. Hier mehr erfahren!

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