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Organ and Tissue Donation

Organ and tissue transplantation is today a standard element of medical care and can save the life of many severely ill people or substantially improve their quality of life.
The aim of the "Organ Donation. Give Life" campaign, organised by the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), is to provide the public with comprehensive information on the subject of organ and tissue donation, and to motivate them to think about the subject. People are to be encouraged to reach their own, personal decision for or against organ donation while they are alive, and to document this decision in an organ donor card.

The campaign communicates the key content and messages in connection the subject of organ and tissue donation by means of mass-media measures, such as brochures, posters and an Internet presentation. Offers of personal discussions are also particularly important, so that highly individual questions can be answered. BZgA offers the Organ Donation Helpline on freephone 0800/9040400 for this purpose.
The basis for the education campaign is the German Transplantation Act (TPG) of 1997. The TPG commissioned BZgA, together with the agencies competent under Länder law, the statutory health insurance funds and the private health insurance companies, to inform and educate the public about the possibilities for donating organs and tissues, the requirements relating to organ and tissue removal, and the importance of organ and tissue transplantation.

Information materials on organ donation

Form to the German Organ Donor Card in 29 languages
This form serves to declare, and call for compliance with, the personal decision of the deceased, regardless of the legal regulations of the respective country.

Internet Offering

The website on the subject of organ donation informs about the possibilities, the procedure and the importance of organ donation and presents BZgA’s organ donation campaign under the motto "Organ Donation. Give Life". It also includes numerous links to specialist associations and transplantation centres, as well as groups for affected persons and self-help groups. Visitors to the site can additionally download the Organ Donor Card and order materials on the subject.

Die BZgA hilft unter anderem bei Spiel- und Tabaksucht. Hier mehr erfahren!

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